Godzilla Movie

Your Godzilla hot takes

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Titan of Water

MemberBaragonFeb-19-2020 8:00 PM

Say your Godzilla hot takes. Here are some of mine. Keep in mind some of mine might not be hot takes to other people:

1. The Ghidorah 1964 movie turned Godzilla and Rodan into childish babies both in appearance and behavior

2. The main character from Ebirah is one of the worst written characters in the series

3. Hedorah is as pretentious as Taylor Swift’s “Style” music video

4. Godzilla 1984 and Tokyo SOS are great movies with great characters.

5. Godzilla 2014 is a good movie that’s better than KOTM.

6. Kong deserves to win Godzilla vs Kong.

7. Legendary Godzilla is a spoiled brat that needs to be knocked down a peg by Kong.

8. Every single dub in the franchise is bad

9. Anime Ghidorah is the best Ghidorah design

10. Godzilla 2000’s characters are bland, generic, and/or poorly acted.

Angering the Godzilla fan base one take at a time


35 Replies

G. H. (Gman)

AdminGodzillaFeb-19-2020 9:19 PM

Pretty hot in here.

2. The main character from Ebirah is one of the worst written characters in the series


"'Nostalgic' does not equal 'good,' and 'standards' does not equal 'elitism.'" "Being offended is inevitable. Living offended is your choice."


MemberTitanosaurusFeb-20-2020 5:23 AM

-Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla II is overrated. It's not a bad movie overall, but it just isn't as good as everyone else made it out to be. On that note, Aoki is a moron who breaks into a government lab and steals one of their samples, is away from his post during a crisis, kidnaps one of his superiors in a parking garage, and can't come up with a good pickup line to save his life.

-The Millennians from Godzilla 2000 need more love. They're one of the few–if not only–sentient alien races in the Godzilla franchise to not have a humanoid form or disguise themselves as such, and it's honestly a pity that the Anime Trilogy didn't try to get a little more creative with their alien race designs in an animated medium.

-Kiryu is the best Mechagodzilla. He feels a lot more balanced out than incarnations before or since, and he actually has a good reason to be built in Godzilla's image. And the cyborg angle is more interesting and plausible than being a straight-up robot.

-Ghidorah didn't start getting really good until maybe Rebirth of Mothra 3. Up until then, he was an overrated bully who fled with his tails between his legs when things went south and then spent both the Showa and Heisei era getting controlled by every alien and their mother. And the Futurians too. The character wouldn't begin to get good until he got his autonomy back.

-KOTM's story and characters actually aren't all that bad. It's kinda clumsy in places like pacing and certain dialogue, and of course it isn't the best thing in the world, but it's actually decent overall. The characters are actually characters and not blank slates that the camera follows around like 2014's were, and Emma's crazy scheme and its subsequent failure is the perfect summation of "The arrogance of Man is thinking nature is in their control, and not the other way around".

-In relation to above, even if KOTM's fight scenes still cut away, they're better than 2014's. The difference lies in geography and time. 2014's cuts either go all the way to the aftermath of the attacks or fights, or cut to people doing something else down the road or miles away. By contrast, KOTM only cuts away to things that are going on in the midst of the battle, and makes sure that the characters are right at the center of the action. And by extension, so is the audience.

-The Anime Godzilla is more of a GINO (Godzilla In Name Only) than Zilla. Anime!Godzilla is a hyper-evolved metallic plant with electromagnetic abilities. At least Zilla is still a radioactive mutation.

A true fan can acknowledge the bad while still appreciating and cherishing the good.

Titan of Water

MemberBaragonFeb-20-2020 5:36 AM

@G.H Gman no, Ryota

Angering the Godzilla fan base one take at a time


G. H. (Gman)

AdminGodzillaFeb-20-2020 5:45 AM

"Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla II is overrated."

Woof. No argument there.

"Anime!Godzilla is a hyper-evolved metallic plant with electromagnetic abilities. At least Zilla is still a radioactive mutation."

Yo chief. Last we spoke you hadn't even watched the anime. Might want to slow your roll before you call foul on it not having anything to do with nuclear bombs.

Watching a movie > Looking up random factoids out-of-context on the internet/youtube videos.

"'Nostalgic' does not equal 'good,' and 'standards' does not equal 'elitism.'" "Being offended is inevitable. Living offended is your choice."

Titan of Water

MemberBaragonFeb-20-2020 6:08 AM

Yoshimura was a really good character. But isn’t Ryota the main one?

Angering the Godzilla fan base one take at a time


Im Durp

MemberBaragonFeb-20-2020 6:52 AM

I guess I'll take a go.


GMK isn't that good to me. I don't think it's one of the worst films in the franchise anymore but I still don't really enjoy it

Mothra vs Godzilla has a bad final fight where out of nowhere there's school children that need saving just to give the characters something to do.


Godzilla's Revenge isn't the worst Godzilla movie


Neither is Godzilla vs SpaceGodzilla


I'll probably think of some more later


MemberTitanosaurusFeb-20-2020 7:05 AM

Im Durp "Mothra vs Godzilla has a bad final fight where out of nowhere there's school children that need saving just to give the characters something to do."

I don't remember that. But then, it's been a while since I saw the movie.

A true fan can acknowledge the bad while still appreciating and cherishing the good.

G. H. (Gman)

AdminGodzillaFeb-20-2020 12:05 PM

Titan of Water,
Yoshimura takes over as the lead once introduced. Takarada got top billing.

"'Nostalgic' does not equal 'good,' and 'standards' does not equal 'elitism.'" "Being offended is inevitable. Living offended is your choice."

Gomi: Ninja Monster

MemberBaragonFeb-20-2020 1:05 PM

Hmm, do I have any takes that haven't been mentioned already...

Mechagodzilla City was a brilliant idea, just terribly executed. Same goes for every new take on the kaiju in the anime trilogy.

M.O.G.U.E.R.A. is cool.

I think that's it.

Titan of Water

MemberBaragonFeb-20-2020 1:31 PM

Huh, sorry. Well, Yoshimura is a great character.

Angering the Godzilla fan base one take at a time


Gabriel Salomon

MemberBaragonFeb-20-2020 2:07 PM

Everything I could think of right now...


- King Kong vs. Godzilla has one of the best aesthetics in the whole Godzilla franchise as far as visuals. The crisp grey/blue color palet and the symmetry is nice to look at.

- Godzilla 2014 had a better buildup with a better payoff than Godzilla 2. KotM had a fun end battle, but the chaos and unbelievability kind of takes away from the grounded world that was astablished in the first film. The handheld cinematography is shaky and chaotic when it focuses on the humans and too close to the monsters to get a good look at what is going on. Also, although the battle is well lit in the first half of the fight (my favorite part of the fight), its color palet eventually gets so murky, wet, and gross by the end of it that I wish Ghidorah would just cease to have storm making abilities. 

- Godzilla 2014's screen time was managed well. Yes, he should have maybe gotten about 2 to 3 more minutes in the second act, but his presence is felt throughout the first act, creating an anxiety and craving in the audience, wanting to get a good look at this force of nature. When we finally do see him, the scene cuts, causing frustration while also making the end battle all the more fresh and exciting.

- The laser beams that come from shin Godzilla's back and tail work well and are a good addition to his powers. They make sense within the context of the film, as well as just add to the overall vibe and feel of Godzilla.

- Joe Brody is a better character than Serizowa, and (Spoiler Warning for G14) he could have been a great long running character in the Monsterverse if it weren't for his death.


"What’s so great about discovery? It’s a violent, penetrative act that scars what it explores. What you call discovery, I call the rape of the natural world."

— Dr. Ian Malcolm, Jurassic Park (1993)

King Godzilla65

MemberMothra LarvaeFeb-21-2020 4:07 AM

1. Godzilla vs Astro-Monster(1964) had one of the best 5 Godzillian designs.

2. Gojira is a dark movie, but it probably one of the best

3. Godzilla 2: King Of The Monsters doesn’t deserve the rating it got(everyone who wasn’t a Godzilla/monster fan whom poorly rated it doesn’t know how to listen, Dougherty said it was catering to the Godzilla fans—not the average joe)

4. both Godzilla 1964 movies are some of the best in the franchise, top 10 at least.

5. Godzilla 2: King Of The Monsters is better than the other American Godzilla movies(only wish the humane plot wasn’t so “cringe-worthy”)

6. Godzilla cannot die in Godzilla vs King, because why would Toho lend the listening for their ambassador to be killed off before giving their rights back(then again Batman Vs Superman happened)

7. Legendary Godzilla is the most badass of the Godzillians

8. Kong confirmed to use a tree against Godzilla in 2020 is probably the most awesome fan-wanted reference to be added to a movie ever

9. RPO’s MechaGodzilla had the best design, I hope GVK will is something very similar.

10. the Godzilla Vs Megagarius fight was a laughable battle


MemberTitanosaurusFeb-21-2020 6:18 AM

KingSalomonMMIV "the chaos and unbelievability kind of takes away from the grounded world that was astablished in the first film."

I view it as an escalation. The world we know is vanishing in the face of the Titans' reemergence, and a new world of strange things is rising in its wake.

"its color palet eventually gets so murky, wet, and gross by the end of it that I wish Ghidorah would just cease to have storm making abilities."

I personally could take it, and I just see it as a further example of Ghidorah's mere presence being a blight on the world. But then again, it seems like I have a lot more tolerance towards it than most other people. Or maybe I'm just an idiot. xD

"his presence is felt throughout the first act, creating an anxiety and craving in the audience, wanting to get a good look at this force of nature."

Oh, definitely. The build-up to his first-appearance in Honolulu was one of my favorite parts in the whole thing.

King Godzilla65 "Gojira is a dark movie, but it probably one of the best"

This isn't a hot take. This is fact.

"Godzilla 2: King Of The Monsters doesn’t deserve the rating it got(everyone who wasn’t a Godzilla/monster fan whom poorly rated it doesn’t know how to listen, Dougherty said it was catering to the Godzilla fans—not the average joe)"

I won't argue with you there. :)

"only wish the humane plot wasn’t so “cringe-worthy”

I don't think the plot was "cringe-worthy". I think the basic plot is good, but there are details that definitely needed improvement. But I wouldn't call it "cringe-worthy". I don't really call anything "cringe-worthy".

"RPO’s MechaGodzilla had the best design"

Kiryu would like a word with you. xD

A true fan can acknowledge the bad while still appreciating and cherishing the good.

G. H. (Gman)

AdminGodzillaFeb-21-2020 6:29 AM

King Godzilla65,
I don't think any of yours are particularly hot takes. I'd say the fandom at large would tend to agree.

"'Nostalgic' does not equal 'good,' and 'standards' does not equal 'elitism.'" "Being offended is inevitable. Living offended is your choice."

Gabriel Salomon

MemberBaragonFeb-21-2020 10:50 AM


I personally could take it, and I just see it as a further example of Ghidorah's mere presence being a blight on the world. But then again, it seems like I have a lot more tolerance towards it than most other people. Or maybe I'm just an idiot. xD

I tolorate it as well. I still enjoy the battle for the most part, but I feel like there could have been certain changes done to the sequence that would enhance the cinematic experience for me. If you like the battle more than G14's, that's understandable; the two movies have different styles of filmmaking, and I just happen to preffer one over the other for those specific reasons.

I like the more grounded approach of G14 better than the fantastical approach in KotM, simply because it makes me believe something like that could really happen. However, you may be right that the more other-worldly experience in Godzilla 2 adds escalation to the experience.

"What’s so great about discovery? It’s a violent, penetrative act that scars what it explores. What you call discovery, I call the rape of the natural world."

— Dr. Ian Malcolm, Jurassic Park (1993)


MemberTitanosaurusFeb-21-2020 1:07 PM

KingSalomonMMIV "I like the more grounded approach of G14 better than the fantastical approach in KotM, simply because it makes me believe something like that could really happen."

I like both approaches. 2014 for it's more grounded tone, and KOTM for the way it basically goes "giant monsters are real now. Deal with it.".

What I hope for Godzilla vs. Kong is for a kind of balance between the two.

A true fan can acknowledge the bad while still appreciating and cherishing the good.

Gabriel Salomon

MemberBaragonFeb-21-2020 1:23 PM

Yes, hopefully GvK is a mix of the two. G14's battle would have been better if it was well lit (or at least a bit lighter than it was in the film). I'd like it if the fight is like G14's (but a bit more balls off the walls) with the futuristic-like neon lights from Hong Kong.

"What’s so great about discovery? It’s a violent, penetrative act that scars what it explores. What you call discovery, I call the rape of the natural world."

— Dr. Ian Malcolm, Jurassic Park (1993)


MemberTitanosaurusFeb-21-2020 1:37 PM

KingSalomonMMIV "I'd like it if the fight is like G14's (but a bit more balls off the walls) with the futuristic-like neon lights from Hong Kong."

From the production photos and some leaks I've heard, it seems like that'll be the case.

Like Pacific Rim's Hong Kong fight, but with no rain.

A true fan can acknowledge the bad while still appreciating and cherishing the good.


MemberRodanFeb-21-2020 2:54 PM


Shin Godzilla's human parts arent THAT boring.

Zwei Wing is the best singing duo. Change my mind.

Titan of Water

MemberBaragonFeb-21-2020 3:10 PM

I didn’t think they were boring at all. But that’s probably cause I like politics.

Angering the Godzilla fan base one take at a time



MemberBaragonFeb-23-2020 6:41 PM

The 1998 Godzilla is better than people give it credit for and is by no means the worst in the series

Orga is an underrated Kaiju

Look upon my works, you mighty, and despair


MemberGiganFeb-23-2020 7:43 PM

In Ike Broflovski's voice: Its mai tuurn!

I think Godzilla vs King Ghidorah is the worse Godzilla movie ever: Time Traveling plot that makes no sense, the weird Steven Spielberg reference, and that stupid flamboyant android-thingy

I like Godzilla 1998

Monsterverse is my favorite Godzilla continuity

Shin Godzilla makes a better Mock-Godzilla villain in vein of Space Godzilla, Biollante, Orga, and Mechagodzilla than a bonafide Godzilla

G98/Zilla could have been a good scientifically accurate Godzilla if they would have kept the traditional godzilla atomic breath and personality




MemberTitanosaurusFeb-23-2020 7:47 PM

Resurgence "Orga is an underrated Kaiju"

Oh, I agree.

Xenotaris "Monsterverse is my favorite Godzilla continuity"


A true fan can acknowledge the bad while still appreciating and cherishing the good.

G. H. (Gman)

AdminGodzillaFeb-23-2020 10:23 PM

Might as well. Though I figure I rattle these these off all the time:

- There's only been 2-3 truly good Godzilla movies since 1989.

- All Monsters Attack is better than all of the 1990s movies.

- The Monsterverse has evolved into a by-the-numbers missed opportunity that does nothing new with the franchise.

- King of the Monsters '19 is a bottom 10 Godzilla flick.

- Monsterverse Godzilla makes a better Gamera than Godzilla.

- G'98 is a cringe inducing example of bad 1990s filmmaking tossed in a blender, "Godzilla" in the title or not.

- Outside of Honda, Fukuda was the best and, more directly, most resourceful director of the franchise.

- Rodan is a fine film, but overrated.

- On the flip side, Giant Monster Varan is incredibly underrated.

- No kaiju film has been as good as Gamera 3: The Revenge of Iris since it was released.

- Scientific accuracy has no place in this genre.

- The Anime Trilogy isn't too shabby and is easier to rewatch than the Monsterverse or the 1990s flicks.

- Pacific Rim is the best giant monster movie Legendary has released.

- Tsuburaya Productions, and their Ultraman output, is the most creative example of the genre this era. ("Era" being a fairly broad term, so we'll say over the last decade.)

"'Nostalgic' does not equal 'good,' and 'standards' does not equal 'elitism.'" "Being offended is inevitable. Living offended is your choice."


MemberTitanosaurusFeb-24-2020 4:36 AM

G. H. (Gman) Not even gonna try to debate the MonsterVerse stuff. That's all water under the bridge at this point.

"- G'98 is a cringe inducing example of bad 1990s filmmaking tossed in a blender, "Godzilla" in the title or not."

It's funny. For the longest time, I never really liked it when people applied the term "cringe" to movies. I just like the term was never truly felt like it was applicable to cinematic entertainment (outside of maybe something really gory), and that it was just the product of an extremely passionate movie culture.

Then I actually saw 1998, and I suddenly got it.

"- Scientific accuracy has no place in this genre."

This is fact.

A true fan can acknowledge the bad while still appreciating and cherishing the good.


MemberTitanosaurusFeb-24-2020 4:56 AM

Also, some new hot takes of my own.

-Reijiro Koroku’s soundtrack for The Return of Godzilla is underrated.

-James Bannon's 1989 Godzilla 2 draft, featuring Godzilla facing an army of machines run by an advanced supercomputer, actually sounds like a really cool idea.

-Speaking of machines, Berserk should have been the Heisei Mechagodzilla. He would've been a lot more interesting than what we got...

A true fan can acknowledge the bad while still appreciating and cherishing the good.

Im Durp

MemberBaragonFeb-24-2020 5:06 AM

I forgot some so I guess this is round 2.


Legendary Godzilla's design isn't anything special

Ghidorah, Mothra, MechaGodzilla and to some degree Rodan should go on a long hiatus from appearing in a G movie again.

Kong Skull Island is the best movie in the Monsterverse so far

Godzilla vs Mothra 92 is an underrated Heisei movie.

Godzilla Save The Earth is the best Godzilla game we've gotten.

I don't mind the monsterverse ending with Godzilla vs Kong

The anime trilogy was probably the biggest wasted potential I've seen in the series.


MemberBaragonFeb-24-2020 9:42 AM

 Im Durp

"Godzilla Save The Earth is the best Godzilla game we've gotten."

that's a straight up fact

Look upon my works, you mighty, and despair

Im Durp

MemberBaragonFeb-24-2020 10:59 AM



Yeah, I was a little on the fence if that was a hot take but I didn't know if the Unleashed crowd grew a little or the newest one actually had a huge following in the fanbase.

G. H. (Gman)

AdminGodzillaFeb-24-2020 12:23 PM

"the newest one actually had a huge following in the fanbase."

I would say those who like the latest one are few and far between.

"'Nostalgic' does not equal 'good,' and 'standards' does not equal 'elitism.'" "Being offended is inevitable. Living offended is your choice."
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